Even for men, facial skin needs care. Here are the steps for a perfect men's beauty routine:
The first step of skincare It concerns cleansing with a specific product for male skin, which is constitutionally richer in sebaceous glands than female skin. It therefore tends to become impure more easily and to appear dull. Morning and evening, therefore, use a rinse-off cleanser that frees from impurities. Once or twice a week, replace the cleanser with one microgranule scrub : it helps eliminate dead skin cells and stimulate microcirculation, an essential aspect for having luminous skin. scrub also prepares the hair follicles for shaving, making it easier for you to pass the razor. For a greater purifying action, you can use a face mask that, unlike the scrub, should not be massaged but left on for a few minutes. It is a treatment that acts more deeply, and for this reason it should never be associated with the scrub on the same day: either one or the other, otherwise you risk irritating the skin.
After cleansing, it's time for hydration . In contact with water and cleanser, the skin is temporarily depleted of its hydrolipidic layer which then needs to be replenished thanks to the moisturizing cream. If you shave, apply it after shaving as an aftershave. And never forget it after the scrub or the face mask . But How do you choose a moisturizer ?
First of all, more than a cream you will most likely need a moisturizing fluid , unless you feel that your skin is very dry. For hormonal reasons, men's skin tends to produce more sebum, and therefore to be more mixed and oily. This is why you will have a hard time tolerating creams with a thick or full-bodied texture.

After the age of 35-40 it is useful to prevent signs of aging : if it is true that men's skin is thicker than women's, it is also true that aging comes all the same, and suddenly. Initially, in fact, men's skin seems more protected from aging, but then, due to micro irritations caused by shaving, they become dehydrated which can trigger a faster and more unexpected aging process than women's. The ideal, therefore, is to include in your beauty case a anti-aging face cream that keeps wrinkles and sagging skin away.
And here we are at the final steps of the male facial care : the eye contour . Do wrinkles and expression lines mark your gaze? Use anti-aging products rich in hyaluronic acid that keep the area well hydrated, filling the furrows (some call them smile lines). Are your problem the dark circles under your eyes? Do you need a cream against dark circles with a lightening and anti-fatigue action .
You can find all the natural cosmetic products designed for men directly here: