Every cell, tissue and organ needs water to function properly. In fact, the body uses water to eliminate most of the toxins accumulated by the organism and helps to keep the organs healthy. Therefore, water is an essential element for good general health.
Applying body lotion at the right time is essential to get all its benefits.
After the shower
This is the ideal time, because the skin has more moisture when it is wet or freshly dried.
Applying body lotion to wet skin increases the effectiveness of the product by sealing in moisture. At the same time, it helps keep skin elastic and shiny.
After shaving
Shaving, in addition to removing unwanted hair, also removes the top layer of skin. This is why it is very important to moisturize it, to prevent it from drying out, and to soothe it from razor irritation.
Before going to bed
Finally, a good time to apply body cream is just before going to bed. During the night, the skin and body regenerate.